CBD Eyelash Growth Serum

How CBD Make Your Eyelashes Grow:
The CBD Eyelash Growth Serum increases strength, health, and thickness of your eyelashes. It comes in a convenient mascara applicator. Can also be used on your eyebrows. CBD can promote hair growth with Omega-3, Omega-6, and Omega-9 fatty acids. When these fatty acids are absorbed by your lash line through our carrier transdermal botanical oils, it can stimulate hair growth. What you're left with is full, fluttering, gorgeous, thick eyelashes.
Directions: Apply to clean lashes, twice daily. Results can be seen as little as 3-4 weeks. Our products are highly concentrated, a little goes a long way! Avoid getting product in the eyes.
Key Ingredients: Full spectrum hemp, organic plant powered 100% natural botanical oils.
Importance of Consistent Usage
With consistent use, you may see results as little as 3-4 weeks. Since this is a natural remedy, keep in mind it may take longer but your results will be longer-lasting or permanent. Be patient, be consisent, and give it at least 2-3 months of consistent usage to see maximum results.
** Natural and Safe Alternative to Latisse (which may cause darkening of the eyelid skin) **